GCI Shelters Ontology

Current version:
Sept 12, 2015 Added annotation to all class and properties Sept 4, 2015 Added Object Property isRegisteredAt Registered_legal_title isRegisteredAt org:GovernmentOrganization Unregistered_legal_title not (isRegisteredAt some org:GovernmentOrganization) Sept 3, 2015 Changed some to only in Homeless_person gci:for_city only gci:City Sept 2, 2015 0.2.5 Change Household hasSize Only Household_size from exactly 1. Removed Household from hasSize's domain. Changed Abs_homeless_person livesIn only (PostalPlace and (not (Homeless_shelter or 'residential building'))) some to only Changed Relative_homeless_person livesIn only Homeless_shelter from some Removed sumo:'land area' from Slum's parents since Slum occupies a land area but it's not necessary a land area according to Mark. 0.2.4 July 31, 2015 Removed Definition, slum_household_def, abs_homeless_def, household_unregistered_title_def and property isDefinitionFor and hasDefinition. July 30, 2015 Copied cyc:title and cyc:'owenership agreement' from OpenCYC cyc:title hasTenureType only TenureType Added Registered_legal_title Unregistered_legal_title subClassOf cyc:title Object property hasLegalTitle range cyc:title Changed Household_with_unregistered_legal_title hasTenureType min 1 Tenure_type to hasLegalTitle min 1 Unregistered_legal_title changed axioms with hasHouse to livesIn July 29, 2015 added Absolute_homeless_person livesIn some (PostalPlace and not (Homeless_shelter or sumo:ResidentialBuilding)) Copied individual gn:6167865 from http://sws.geonames.org/6167865/about.rdf added label Toronto, subclassOf City Created Toronto_household subclassOf Household for_city value Toronto Toronto_slum_household subclassOf Toronto_household subclassOf Slum_household 0.2.3 July 22, 2015 added Slum gci:located_in some gci:City 0.2.2 July 14, 2015 Absolute_homeless_person defined_by Absolute_homeless_person_def Change deleted Definition for_city City added for_city min 1 City to a children of Definition. since definition class should represent general definition that does not include cities added cyc:census for_city City July 13, 2015 Copied sumo:Proposition class Copied sumo:RelationalAttribute class Copied sumo:Attribute class Added Class: Definition, Slum_household_def, Household_with_unregistered_titles_def, Absolute_homeless_def Object Property isDefintionFor (domain Defintion) inverseOf defined_by hasDefinition (range Definition) Data Property hasDescription (range xsd:string) Axioms Definition subclassOf sumo:proposition Definition hasDescription xsd:string Definition for_city gci:City City hasDefinition Definition Slum_household defined_by Slum_household_def Slum_household_def isDefinitionFor Slum_household Household_with_unregistered_titles defined_by Household_with_unregistered_titles_def Household_with_unregistered_titles_def isDefinitionFor Household_with_unregistered_titles Absolute_homeless_def isDefinitionFor Absolute_homeless_person Homeless_person for_city gci:City Living_condition subclassOf sumo:RelationalAttribute 0.2.1 July 12, 2015 Copied over Census class from OpenCYC Added Census subclassOf Document Household_size wasDerivedFrom census Changed hasUnregisteredTenureType to hasTenureType July 11, 2015 Changed all sumo URI to http://www.adampease.org/OP/SUMO.owl from local directory Copied axioms from SUMO Residence ResidentialBuilding TemporaryResidence PermanentResidence Document Changed House_with_unregistered_legal_title hasHouse House to House_with_unregistered_legal_title hasHouse sumo:ResidentialBuilding July 10, 2015 added class sch:GeoShape added object property hasGeoShape added relationships hasHouseholder subpropertyOf org:hasMember Person subclassOf SchemaorgThing GeoShape subclassOf SchemaorgThing Slum ic:hasGeoCoordinate only sch:GeoCoordinate Slum hasGeoShape sch:GeoShape Slum subclassOf gn:Feature 0.2.0 June 29, 2015 Added hasMember to Household class 0.1.9 June 23, 2015 Renamed hasTenureType to hasUnregisteredTenureType 0.1.8 June 22, 2015 Added two subclasses of Homeless_person Absolute_homeless_person Relative_homeless_person Moved livesIn Homeless_shelter to Relative_homeless_person 0.1.7 June 9, 2015 Imported sumo:Building, re-imported sumo:ResidentialBuilding and sumo:house Added object property hasBuilding, range sumo:Building Shelter hasBuilding >=1 ResidentialBuilding removed House hasAddress Address added Building hasAddress Address 0.1.6 June 3, 2015 Added unit_of_measure to Household_size and Average_household_size Shelter subClassOf Service Service goalOf Organization (goalOf created by Mark. reload GCI Foundation) Took off Shelter ic:hasAddress property Todo: Shelter hasBuilding 'Building' Building hasAddress Address 0.1.5 June 2, 2015 Created Shelter class and its subclasses. Created object property livesIn domain person/Household range none 0.1.4 June 1, 2015 Added object propertyhasHouseholder Added 'for city' for slum_household and household_unregistered_legal_title Added hasHouse exactly 0 House for Homeless_person 0.1.3 May 29, 2015 Copied sumo:House, sumo:land area, and sumo:agreement to be the superclass of Slum and Tenure_type 0.1.2 May 28, 2015 Copied sumo:SocialUnit class from SUMO which becomes the superclass of Household. 0.1.1 May 26, 2015 Added subclass of Living_condition. Added "measure" for Household_size and Average_household_size. 0.1.0 Created on May 25, 2015
Yetian Wang & Mark S. Fox
Imported Ontologies:
http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Foundation/GCI-Foundation.owl (visualise it with LODE)
Other visualisation:
Ontology source


Shelters Global City Indicator Ontology developed by the Enterprise Integration Lab, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto.

Extends the Foundation Ontology for Global City Indicators to cover the Education Indicators.

See: Fox, M.S., (2013), "A Foundation Ontology for Global City Indicators", Global City Institute Working Paper, Vol. 1, No.4, pp. 1-45. Global Cities Institute, University of Toronto, to apear.

Contact: Mark S. Fox, msf@eil.utoronto.ca

Yetian Wang, yetian.wang@mail.utoronto.ca

Table of Content

  1. Classes
  2. Object Properties
  3. Named Individuals
  4. Annotation Properties
  5. General Axioms
  6. Namespace Declarations


Absolute Homeless Personc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Absolute_homeless_person

has super-classes
Homeless Personc
livesInop only postal placec and (not (Homeless Shelterc or residential buildingc))
is disjoint with
Relative Homeless Personc

Access to Improved Waterc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Access_to_improved_water

has super-classes
Living Conditionc
is disjoint with
Access to Sanitationc, Durable Housingc, Secure Tenurec, Sufficient Living Areac

Access to Sanitationc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Access_to_sanitation

has super-classes
Living Conditionc
is disjoint with
Access to Improved Waterc, Durable Housingc, Secure Tenurec, Sufficient Living Areac

agreementc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.adampease.org/OP/SUMO.owl#Agreement

is defined by
has super-classes
has sub-classes
Tenure Typec

All Female Shelterc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#All_female_shelter

has super-classes
Homeless Shelterc
is disjoint with
All Male Shelterc, Emergency Shelterc, Family Shelterc, Longterm Houshingc, Overnight Shelterc, Refugee Shelterc, Single Adult Shelterc, Substance Use Shelterc, Temporary Shelterc, Transgender Shelterc, Transitional Shelterc, Youth Shelterc

All Male Shelterc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#All_male_shelter

has super-classes
Homeless Shelterc
is disjoint with
All Female Shelterc, Emergency Shelterc, Family Shelterc, Longterm Houshingc, Overnight Shelterc, Refugee Shelterc, Single Adult Shelterc, Substance Use Shelterc, Temporary Shelterc, Transgender Shelterc, Transitional Shelterc, Youth Shelterc

apartment buildingc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.adampease.org/OP/SUMO.owl#ApartmentBuilding

is defined by
has super-classes
residential buildingc
is disjoint with
single family residencec

attributec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.adampease.org/OP/SUMO.owl#Attribute

is defined by
has super-classes
has sub-classes
relational attributec

Average Household Sizec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Average_household_size

has super-classes
g c i shelters thingc
value only Average Household Size Measurec
unit of measure exactly 1 population cardinality unit
for city exactly 1 cityc

Average Household Size Measurec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Average_household_size_measure

has super-classes
g c i shelters thingc
was derived from some Household Size Measurec
unit of measure exactly 1 population cardinality unit

barnc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.adampease.org/OP/SUMO.owl#Barn

is disjoint with
residential buildingc

buildingc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.adampease.org/OP/SUMO.owl#Building

is defined by
has super-classes
stationary artifactc
has address exactly 1 address
has sub-classes
hotelc, residential buildingc
is in range of
is disjoint with

censusc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://sw.opencyc.org/concept/Mx4rCbB68i9DQdiKK7a7tRjq7Q

The collection of all censuses. A type of <a href="http://sw.opencyc.org/concept/Mx4r8NiaFI6jEdaAAAABAxv-7A" class="cyc_term">Counting</a>.

has super-classes
mx4r8 nia f i6j eda a a a a b axv 7 ac
for city some cityc

condominium buildingc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.adampease.org/OP/SUMO.owl#CondominiumBuilding

is defined by
has super-classes
residential buildingc
is disjoint with
single family residencec

documentc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.adampease.org/OP/SUMO.owl#Document

is defined by
has super-classes
content bearing objectc
has sub-classes

dormitoryc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.adampease.org/OP/SUMO.owl#Dormitory

is defined by
has super-classes
residential buildingc
temporary residencec
is disjoint with
single family residencec

Durable Housingc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Durable_housing

has super-classes
Living Conditionc
is disjoint with
Access to Improved Waterc, Access to Sanitationc, Secure Tenurec, Sufficient Living Areac

Emergency Shelterc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Emergency_shelter

has super-classes
Homeless Shelterc
is disjoint with
All Female Shelterc, All Male Shelterc, Family Shelterc, Longterm Houshingc, Overnight Shelterc, Refugee Shelterc, Single Adult Shelterc, Substance Use Shelterc, Temporary Shelterc, Transgender Shelterc, Transitional Shelterc, Youth Shelterc

executive residencec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.adampease.org/OP/SUMO.owl#ExecutiveResidence

is defined by
has super-classes
permanent residencec

Family Shelterc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Family_shelter

has super-classes
Homeless Shelterc
is disjoint with
All Female Shelterc, All Male Shelterc, Emergency Shelterc, Longterm Houshingc, Overnight Shelterc, Refugee Shelterc, Single Adult Shelterc, Substance Use Shelterc, Temporary Shelterc, Transgender Shelterc, Transitional Shelterc, Youth Shelterc

farm buildingc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.adampease.org/OP/SUMO.owl#FarmBuilding

is disjoint with
residential buildingc

geo shapec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://schema.org/GeoShape

has super-classes
schema org thing
is in range of

Homeless Personc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Homeless_person

has super-classes
g c i shelters thingc
for city only cityc
has sub-classes
Absolute Homeless Personc, Relative Homeless Personc

Homeless Shelterc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Homeless_shelter

Homeless shelters have the following types listed in its subclasses. More categories could be added in future.

A single shelter can act as one or more of these, as long as the definitions do not conflict with each other. e.g. A shelter can be an over-night, drop-in centre, that services men and women. (Gajderowicz B.)

Source: "Toronto Shelter Standards" Community & Neighbourhood Services

has super-classes
has sub-classes
All Female Shelterc, All Male Shelterc, Emergency Shelterc, Family Shelterc, Longterm Houshingc, Overnight Shelterc, Refugee Shelterc, Single Adult Shelterc, Substance Use Shelterc, Temporary Shelterc, Transgender Shelterc, Transitional Shelterc, Youth Shelterc

hospital buildingc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.adampease.org/OP/SUMO.owl#HospitalBuilding

is defined by
has super-classes
temporary residencec

hotelc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.adampease.org/OP/SUMO.owl#Hotel

is defined by
has super-classes
temporary residencec

housec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#House

House hasAddress Address

equivelantTo sumo:House

is equivalent to
has super-classes
g c i shelters thingc
is in range of

housec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.adampease.org/OP/SUMO.owl#House

is defined by
has super-classes
residential buildingc
single family residencec

householdc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Household

Household is subclass of 'Social Unit'

hasHouseholder is a subproperty of hasMember

'The householder refers to the person (or one of the people) in whose name the housing unit is owned or rented (maintained) or, if there is no such person, any adult member, excluding roomers, boarders, or paid employees. If the house is owned or rented jointly by a married couple, the householder may be either the husband or the wife. The person designated as the householder is the "reference person" to whom the relationship of all other household members, if any, is recorded. '

Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Current Population Survey (CPS) http://www.census.gov/cps/about/cpsdef.html

has super-classes
g c i shelters thingc
social unitc
hasSizeop only Household Sizec
hasHouseholderop min 1 personc
has member only personc
has sub-classes
Household_unregistered_legal_titlesc, Slum Householdc, Toronto Householdc
is in domain of
hasHouseop, hasHouseholderop, livesInop

Household Sizec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Household_size

has super-classes
g c i shelters thingc
value only Household Size Measurec
was derived from some censusc
unit of measure exactly 1 population cardinality unit

Household Size Measurec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Household_size_measure

has super-classes
g c i shelters thingc
unit of measure exactly 1 population cardinality unit

Household_unregistered_legal_titlesc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Household_unregistered_legal_titles

Household_unregistered_legal_titles must have at least 1 place to live (i.e. livesIn sumo:'residential building') and has at least 1 unregisted legal title

has super-classes
for city only cityc
livesInop min 1 residential buildingc
hasLegalTitleop min 1 Unregistered Legal Titlec

land areac back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.adampease.org/OP/SUMO.owl#LandArea

is defined by
has super-classes
geographic areac

Leasec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Lease

has super-classes
Tenure Typec

Living Conditionc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Living_condition

has super-classes
g c i shelters thingc
relational attributec
livingConditionForop min 1
has sub-classes
Access to Improved Waterc, Access to Sanitationc, Durable Housingc, Secure Tenurec, Sufficient Living Areac
is in domain of
is in range of

Longterm Houshingc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Long_term_housing

has super-classes
Homeless Shelterc
is disjoint with
All Female Shelterc, All Male Shelterc, Emergency Shelterc, Family Shelterc, Overnight Shelterc, Refugee Shelterc, Single Adult Shelterc, Substance Use Shelterc, Temporary Shelterc, Transgender Shelterc, Transitional Shelterc, Youth Shelterc

medical clinicc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.adampease.org/OP/SUMO.owl#MedicalClinic

is disjoint with

mobile residencec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.adampease.org/OP/SUMO.owl#MobileResidence

is disjoint with

Occupancy Rightc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Occupancy_right

has super-classes
Tenure Typec

Overnight Shelterc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Overnight_shelter

has super-classes
Homeless Shelterc
is disjoint with
All Female Shelterc, All Male Shelterc, Emergency Shelterc, Family Shelterc, Longterm Houshingc, Refugee Shelterc, Single Adult Shelterc, Substance Use Shelterc, Temporary Shelterc, Transgender Shelterc, Transitional Shelterc, Youth Shelterc

ownership agreementc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://sw.opencyc.org/concept/Mx4rvoNY3ZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA

Each instance is a <a href="http://sw.opencyc.org/concept/Mx4rvViwXpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA" class="cyc_term">LegalAgreement</a> that involves ownership rights, rights to transfer ownership or other rights related to something owned.

has super-classes
mx4rv viw xpwp eb gdrc n5 y29yc ac
has sub-classes

permanent residencec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.adampease.org/OP/SUMO.owl#PermanentResidence

is defined by
has super-classes
has sub-classes
executive residencec, single family residencec

personc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://schema.org/#Person

has super-classes
schema org thing
has sub-classes
Homeless Personc
is in domain of
hasHouseop, livesInop
is in range of

propositionc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.adampease.org/OP/SUMO.owl#Proposition

is defined by
has super-classes
has sub-classes

Refugee Shelterc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Refugee_shelter

has super-classes
Homeless Shelterc
is disjoint with
All Female Shelterc, All Male Shelterc, Emergency Shelterc, Family Shelterc, Longterm Houshingc, Overnight Shelterc, Single Adult Shelterc, Substance Use Shelterc, Temporary Shelterc, Transgender Shelterc, Transitional Shelterc, Youth Shelterc

Registered Legal Titlec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Registered_legal_title

has super-classes
g c i shelters thingc
is registered atop only government organization
is disjoint with
Unregistered Legal Titlec

relational attributec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.adampease.org/OP/SUMO.owl#RelationalAttribute

is defined by
has super-classes
has sub-classes
Living Conditionc

Relative Homeless Personc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Relative_homeless_person

has super-classes
Homeless Personc
livesInop only Homeless Shelterc
is disjoint with
Absolute Homeless Personc

Rentalc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Rental

has super-classes
Tenure Typec

residencec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.adampease.org/OP/SUMO.owl#Residence

is defined by
has super-classes
postal placec
stationary artifactc
has sub-classes
permanent residencec, residential buildingc, temporary residencec
is disjoint with
medical clinicc, mobile residencec

residential buildingc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.adampease.org/OP/SUMO.owl#ResidentialBuilding

is defined by
has super-classes
has sub-classes
apartment buildingc, condominium buildingc, dormitoryc, housec
is disjoint with
barnc, farm buildingc

Secure Tenurec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Secure_tenure

has super-classes
Living Conditionc
is disjoint with
Access to Improved Waterc, Access to Sanitationc, Durable Housingc, Sufficient Living Areac

Shelterc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Shelter

has super-classes
city service
g c i shelters thingc
hasBuildingop min 1 residential buildingc
has sub-classes
Homeless Shelterc

Single Adult Shelterc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Single_adult_shelter

has super-classes
Homeless Shelterc
is disjoint with
All Female Shelterc, All Male Shelterc, Emergency Shelterc, Family Shelterc, Longterm Houshingc, Overnight Shelterc, Refugee Shelterc, Substance Use Shelterc, Temporary Shelterc, Transgender Shelterc, Transitional Shelterc, Youth Shelterc

single family residencec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.adampease.org/OP/SUMO.owl#SingleFamilyResidence

is defined by
has super-classes
permanent residencec
has sub-classes
is disjoint with
apartment buildingc, condominium buildingc, dormitoryc

Slumc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Slum

has super-classes
g c i shelters thingc
located in some cityc
hasGeoShapeop only geo shapec
has geo coordinates only geo coordinates

Slum Householdc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Slum_household

has super-classes
livesInop some Slumc
for city exactly 1 cityc
isLackOfop min 1 Living Conditionc
has sub-classes
Toronto Slum Householdc
is in domain of

social unitc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl.owl#SocialUnit

is defined by
has super-classes
group of peoplec
has sub-classes

Substance Use Shelterc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Substance_use_shelter

has super-classes
Homeless Shelterc
is disjoint with
All Female Shelterc, All Male Shelterc, Emergency Shelterc, Family Shelterc, Longterm Houshingc, Overnight Shelterc, Refugee Shelterc, Single Adult Shelterc, Temporary Shelterc, Transgender Shelterc, Transitional Shelterc, Youth Shelterc

Sufficient Living Areac back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Sufficient_living_area

has super-classes
Living Conditionc
is disjoint with
Access to Improved Waterc, Access to Sanitationc, Durable Housingc, Secure Tenurec

temporary residencec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.adampease.org/OP/SUMO.owl#TemporaryResidence

is defined by
has super-classes
has sub-classes
dormitoryc, hospital buildingc, hotelc

Temporary Shelterc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Temporary_shelter

has super-classes
Homeless Shelterc
is disjoint with
All Female Shelterc, All Male Shelterc, Emergency Shelterc, Family Shelterc, Longterm Houshingc, Overnight Shelterc, Refugee Shelterc, Single Adult Shelterc, Substance Use Shelterc, Transgender Shelterc, Transitional Shelterc, Youth Shelterc

Tenure Typec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Tenure_type

has super-classes
g c i shelters thingc
has sub-classes
Leasec, Occupancy Rightc, Rentalc, Use Rightc
is in range of

titlec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://sw.opencyc.org/concept/Mx4rwO3QJZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA

The collection of <a href="http://sw.opencyc.org/concept/Mx4rvViwXpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA" class="cyc_term">LegalAgreement</a>s conferring ownership of some property upon an <a href="http://sw.opencyc.org/concept/Mx4rvVinb5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA" class="cyc_term">IntelligentAgent</a>. All ownership rights in the property indicated in a <a href="http://sw.opencyc.org/concept/Mx4rwO3QJZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA" class="cyc_term">TitleAgreement</a> belong to the holder of the <a href="http://sw.opencyc.org/concept/Mx4rwO3QJZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA" class="cyc_term">TitleAgreement</a>, specified within that agreement. For representation of the actual title document, see <a href="http://sw.opencyc.org/concept/Mx4rvWb--JwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA" class="cyc_term">TitleDocument</a>.

has super-classes
ownership agreementc
hasTenureTypeop only Tenure Typec
has sub-classes
Registered Legal Titlec, Unregistered Legal Titlec
is in range of

Toronto Householdc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Toronto_household

has super-classes
for city value Toronto
has sub-classes
Toronto Slum Householdc

Toronto Slum Householdc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Toronto_slum_household

has super-classes
Slum Householdc
Toronto Householdc

Transgender Shelterc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Transgender_shelter

has super-classes
Homeless Shelterc
is disjoint with
All Female Shelterc, All Male Shelterc, Emergency Shelterc, Family Shelterc, Longterm Houshingc, Overnight Shelterc, Refugee Shelterc, Single Adult Shelterc, Substance Use Shelterc, Temporary Shelterc, Transitional Shelterc, Youth Shelterc

Transitional Shelterc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Transitional_shelter

has super-classes
Homeless Shelterc
is disjoint with
All Female Shelterc, All Male Shelterc, Emergency Shelterc, Family Shelterc, Longterm Houshingc, Overnight Shelterc, Refugee Shelterc, Single Adult Shelterc, Substance Use Shelterc, Temporary Shelterc, Transgender Shelterc, Youth Shelterc

Unregistered Legal Titlec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Unregistered_legal_title

has super-classes
g c i shelters thingc
not (is registered atop some government organization)
is disjoint with
Registered Legal Titlec

Use Rightc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Use_right

has super-classes
Tenure Typec

Youth Shelterc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#Youth_shelter

has super-classes
Homeless Shelterc
is disjoint with
All Female Shelterc, All Male Shelterc, Emergency Shelterc, Family Shelterc, Longterm Houshingc, Overnight Shelterc, Refugee Shelterc, Single Adult Shelterc, Substance Use Shelterc, Temporary Shelterc, Transgender Shelterc, Transitional Shelterc

Object Properties

hasBuildingop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#hasBuilding

has super-properties
gci object property
has range

hasGeoShapeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#hasGeoShape

has super-properties
gci object property
has range
geo shapec

hasHouseop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#hasHouse

has super-properties
gci object property
has domain
has range

hasHouseholderop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#hasHouseholder

has super-properties
gci object property
has member
has domain
has range

hasLegalTitleop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#hasLegalTitle

has super-properties
gci object property
has range

hasSizeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#hasSize

has super-properties
gci object property

hasTenureTypeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#hasTenureType

has super-properties
gci object property
has range
Tenure Typec

is registered atop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#isRegisteredAt

has super-properties
gci object property
has range

isLackOfop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#isLackOf

has super-properties
gci object property
has domain
Slum Householdc
has range
Living Conditionc

livesInop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#livesIn

has super-properties
gci object property
has domain

livingConditionForop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Shelters/GCI-Shelters.owl#livingConditionFor

has super-properties
gci object property
has domain
Living Conditionc

Named Individuals

Torontoni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://sws.geonames.org/6167865/

is defined by
belongs to

Annotation Properties

alternate nameap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://www.geonames.org/ontology#alternateName

anti subsuming relationap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://www.ontologyportal.org/SUMO.owl#antiSubsumingRelation

axiomap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://www.ontologyportal.org/SUMO.owl#axiom

commentap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#comment

country codeap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://www.geonames.org/ontology#countryCode

equivalence relationap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://www.ontologyportal.org/SUMO.owl#equivalenceRelation

external imageap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://www.ontologyportal.org/SUMO.owl#externalImage

feature classap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://www.geonames.org/ontology#featureClass

feature codeap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://www.geonames.org/ontology#featureCode

instance relationap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://www.ontologyportal.org/SUMO.owl#instanceRelation

labelap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://sw.cyc.com/CycAnnotations_v1#label

latap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#lat

location mapap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://www.geonames.org/ontology#locationMap

longap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#long

mx4r nv0nbm4 t tj op7yhmnz oyqgap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://sw.opencyc.org/concept/Mx4rNv0nbm4TTjOp7yhmnzOyqg

mx4r tv jk9 s p t xa991kk5m av hgap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://sw.opencyc.org/concept/Mx4rTv-jk9SPTXa991kk5mAvHg

mx4ri w v f r6 h j spa ea hrc w s3 m s aap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://sw.opencyc.org/concept/Mx4riWVFR6HJSpaEaHrcWS3MSA

mx4rw l s v cpwp eb gdrc n5 y29yc aap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://sw.opencyc.org/concept/Mx4rwLSVCpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA

nameap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://www.geonames.org/ontology#name

nearby featuresap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://www.geonames.org/ontology#nearbyFeatures

official nameap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://www.geonames.org/ontology#officialName

parent a d m1ap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://www.geonames.org/ontology#parentADM1

parent countryap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://www.geonames.org/ontology#parentCountry

parent featureap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://www.geonames.org/ontology#parentFeature

populationap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://www.geonames.org/ontology#population

subsuming relationap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://www.ontologyportal.org/SUMO.owl#subsumingRelation

wikipedia articleap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://www.geonames.org/ontology#wikipediaArticle

General Axioms

All Disjoint Classes back to ToC

All Female Shelterc, All Male Shelterc, Emergency Shelterc, Family Shelterc, Longterm Houshingc, Overnight Shelterc, Refugee Shelterc, Single Adult Shelterc, Substance Use Shelterc, Temporary Shelterc, Transgender Shelterc, Transitional Shelterc, Youth Shelterc

All Disjoint Classes back to ToC

Access to Improved Waterc, Access to Sanitationc, Durable Housingc, Secure Tenurec, Sufficient Living Areac

Namespace Declarations back to ToC

default namespace

This HTML document was obtained by processing the OWL ontology source code through LODE, Live OWL Documentation Environment, developed by Silvio Peroni.