Mining Human Activity Patterns from Smart Home Big Data for Health Care Applications


London, England


Department of Software Engineering, Lakehead University; Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ottawa; and Department of Software Engineering, King Saud University

Project Start Date:

1 January 2012

Project End Date:

31 December 2015


Yassine, A., Singh, S., & Alamri, A. (2017). Mining human activity patterns from smart home big data for health care applications. IEEE Access5, 13131-13141.


The population in urban areas is growing continuously. As a result, the demand for healthcare resources is also increasing over time. The change in the demographics of cities places an enormous burden on cities to provide health services to residents. In order to allocate resources efficiently, it is important to track people’s habits and identify everyday routines in order to recognize anomalous activities that indicate changes in health conditions. This will help cities allocate resources more efficiently, in real-time, towards helping individuals who need medical attention, such as the elderly or individuals who live alone.

Technical Solution:

·       Clustering Analysis was used to discover appliance-to-time associations. In other words, the method was used to determine which appliances were used at different hours of the day. The method was also used to determine appliance-to-appliance associations. Essentially, they created clusters to determine which appliances in the house were used at the same time. This helped build profiles about each household’s routine.

·       Bayesian Network was used to predict short-term and long-term activities based on individual and multiple appliance usage

Datasets Used:

K. Jack and K.William, ``The UK-DALE dataset, domestic appliance-level electricity demand and whole-house demand from five UK homes,'' Sci. Data, vol. 2, p. 150007, Sep. 2015.


Pre-Solution Performance: unknown; Post Solution Performance: short term accuracy for houses 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 is 92.31%, 100.00%, 66.67%, 100.00%, and 100.00% respectively. The obtained long-term accuracy for houses 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 is 90.91%, 90.00%, 70.00%, 70.00%, and 80.00% respectively

Issues that arose:

Not applicable


In Development

Entered by:

28 September 2019: Sana Maqbool,

Civil Engineering, University of Toronto